Welcome to Animal Crossing New Leaf! When you start a new game, you’ll be travelling in a train. Rover will talk to you and ask if he could sit down iwth you. He’ll ask you a first couple of basic questions, like
Where are you headed? (Make one up!)
What is your name? (Use your first name. If your first name is too long, come up with a short nickname.)
When he asks you questions that depend on the your avatar and you answer them all, your avator you created will be permanently yours. You will not, however, change it until you unlock the Shampoodle.
When you arrive in town, Porter will say “Now arriving in [Your town], [Your town] Station!”
Upon arrival, Isabelle and three residents of your town will be waiting outside. They’ll start whispering. You have to persuade with Isabelle and keep saying that you’re not the Mayor.
Getting a House
Go to Town Hall like Isabelle directed you to, and she will tell you to go to Nook’s Homes on the Main Street. Tom Nook will notice you want your house. Find a spot that has space free from rocks or trees. When you find the appropriate spot, let Nook know so that he’ll reserve the space for you. You’ll need a place to rest since you’ll end up in a tent. When you enter the tent, Isabelle will gtive you a lantern as well as an Instruction manual for instructions in the game. Once you pay 10,000 Bells for your down payment, you’ll be able to move to your house the next day. You can make Bells by selling items you don’t need to Re-Tail, like Seashells, Fruits, Fish, unwanted furniture, unwanted clothes, and Insects.
Reporting Back to Isabelle
After getting a place for you house from Nook’s Hoes, report back to Isabelle at Town Hall. When she asks “Did you find a spot to call home?”, the choices are:
“It’s Perfect!”
“It’s okay.”
“Perfect, but…”
Just answer “It’s Perfect!”, and she’ll ask yo uto go to the Event Plaza.
By the Plaza Tree
You’ll head to the Plaza where you’ll plant the tree for all the villagers to see in the ceremony. Isabelle will say… “I hope this tree grows just as strong & lovely as [your town] does!” That’s the key to getting the tree to grow.
You can do more in town. You can do that by visiting the Nookling Shop, Post Office, Able Sisters, and the Museum. If you have at least one of each new item to donate to the Museum (like fish, bugs, fossils, or paintings), now’s the time to do it.
The Next Day
The next day, Isabelle will have you learn to use the desk at the back in Town Hall as well as getting a 100% Approval Rating to get a Development Permit. You can ask Isabelle what your current rating is and then take action to increase it. The following actions are:
- Talk with the villagers
- Water the flowers.
- Pull out weeds.
- Write a message on the Bulletin Board.
- Sell items at Re-Tail.
- Donate something to the Museum.
- Change the town tune.
- Change the design of the town flag.
- Update your tent to a house (requirement).
Once you gain the permit, you’ll gain access to the Public Works Projects and Town Ordinances duties.
The Day with Tortimer’s Meeting
In the third or fourth day, Isabelle will introduce you to Tortimer who will like to speak to you at the dock. He’ll ask you to come to Tortimer Island when you talk to him. In the day, after that, Kapp’n will be available on a boat to take you to Tortimer Island when you speak to him.
Other Things to Try Out During the Beginning
After you upgrade the tent to a house, the HHA (Happy Home Academy) will be unlocked in Nook’s Homes and will be run by Lyle. Once you join the HHA, the Happy Home Showcase run by Digby will be unlocked.
If you get a Town Pass Card, there’s a Photo Booth where you can take a picture and add it to your Card. You can also add your Birthday and saying in the Card. If you visit the Train Station, talk to Porter, and show him your Town Pass Card, he’ll let you visit other player’s towns via local wireless or the Internet. However, you have to make sure you exchanged friends codes with players who have this game or updated version. You can also allow players to visit your town from the train station which will take time. Remember, whenever you join online, your progress for single player will be saved for you. You still need to make sure to save before you quit the game. That’s ALL for intro, and so the exploration and fun BEGINS!