Amiibo has been developed by Nintendo even since the 3DS and Wii U games were developed. They can be placed on the NFC Reader/Writer if you have a Nintendo 3DS unless it’s a New Nintendo 3DS. If you have a Wii U, you can also place amiibo on the lower left corner on the Wii U Game Pad. If you have a Nintendo Switch, then there is more than one way to use amiibo on it. Some 3DS, Wii U, and Switch games are compatible with amiibo. With this, you can get extra stuff, like bonus items, exclusive gear, and more. Learn more about amiibo used in certain Nintendo series types by clicking on dropdown tabs in the Amiibo Tab. The list includes, but not limited to, the following Nintendo series types in particular order below.

  1. Mario Series
  2. Yoshi Series
  3. Wario Series
  4. Zelda Series
  5. Metroid Series
  6. Kirby Series
  7. Mega Man Series
  8. Pokémon Series
  9. Fire Emblem Series
  10. Pikmin Series
  11. Animal Crossing Series
  12. Xenoblade Chronicles Series
  13. Splatoon Series
  14. Monter Hunter Series (This series is licensed by Nintendo, even though it is not considered a type of Nintendo Series.)
  15. Super Smash Bros. Series
  16. Other Series